A little eager cutie Tinylittlebabyg is getting ready for stepdaddy to take her out inot the night for a sweet treat just the two of them. we join her sitting on the floor of her playroom with her cute y2k printed ninjama pull up already on but nothing else the little brat uss her hands a bra to tease you with her sweet budding breasts. She gives them a few wiggles and jiggles before spinning round to show off her cute little pull up clad booty. With her long brown hair swishing down by her bottom, She grabs the top of her pull up giving it a slight adjustment to make sure its in the right ...
A little eager cutie Tinylittlebabyg is getting ready for stepdaddy to take her out inot the night for a sweet treat just the two of them. we join her sitting on the floor of her playroom with her cute y2k printed ninjama pull up already on but nothing else the little brat uss her hands a bra to tease you with her sweet budding breasts. She gives them a few wiggles and jiggles before spinning round to show off her cute little pull up clad booty. With her long brown hair swishing down by her bottom, She grabs the top of her pull up giving it a slight adjustment to make sure its in the right place. Satisfied with its position the littile tinker then reaches over to grabs a blue white check with red trim corset which she slips around her little body before attempting to do up all the little bra clasps behind her back. after struggling a little... im being nice she really really struggled. She spins around to show you her back so you can see her little hands trying desperalty to get the corset on. Finally realising that shes not going to be able to do up all the clips behind her she unbuckles the few clasps she had managed to do before re opening the top to spin it round to do it up infront of her. Looking a little bit silly with her back to the camera and the front of the corset facing you she quickly clasps the corset up. onces shes finally managed to get everything dont up she works on the hard task of spinning it back the right way around. Happy with its position she slips and slides the strap over her slender little arm before moving on to the other side. with part one of her outfit compleate the little cutie grabs the next part of her outfit. some skin tight booty shorts in a macthing blue and white checked fabric, rimmed with ruffles and a ruby red bow on each leg. One by one she slips each of her little legs into the shorts showing off her soles as she does, she pulls the shorts up most of the way before kneeling forwards and turning to the side so you get a very good view of the tight fabric being pulled up and over her little butt. adjusting the waist band and leg cuffs before grabbingthe final part of her outfit a bussle. showing it off to you before slipping the open ruffly fabric behinf her back and tieing up the front ribbon in a sweet bow, her dorothy outfit is compleate. well she needs shoes but we put them on by the door and she knows better than to break that rule. how many doors do you think we will cover before her pull up is soaking and we have to find a quiet spot in the woods to get her changed.