Only the naughtiest girls need to have their diapers locked onto them and our girl Tinylittlebabyg is one of the cheekiest. Every opportunity she can her little hand always ends up somewhere on or even in her diaper. After plenty of attempts to spank it out of her didn't work it's now it's time to try out something different. After her diaper change this morning before letting her run off and play its time to try out her new contraption. Its incredibly simple, just an extra layer but this one has a magnetic locking belt hopefully it will do the trick and keep her little hands where they sho...
Only the naughtiest girls need to have their diapers locked onto them and our girl Tinylittlebabyg is one of the cheekiest. Every opportunity she can her little hand always ends up somewhere on or even in her diaper. After plenty of attempts to spank it out of her didn't work it's now it's time to try out something different. After her diaper change this morning before letting her run off and play its time to try out her new contraption. Its incredibly simple, just an extra layer but this one has a magnetic locking belt hopefully it will do the trick and keep her little hands where they should be. Leaving her to grab her bottle the cheeky baby grabbed the phone to film this adorable video. It was simply too darling not to share. All dressed in her favorite skin tight long sleeve pink dinosaur pajama top, a thick double layer diaper of course topped with the StraitJacketShop locking diaper cover with shoulder straps and matching booties, she lightly teases us despite her current situation showing she's the one going to be teased for a very long while to come. Starting with showing off the bottom of the booties which really do need the insertable spikes to stop her wandering around in them. She kicks her little feetsies at the camera showing off the different locking points, they don't just lock onto her they can lock her onto things, I wonder if she's figured that out yet. The next thing she attempts is so close her legs and when that quickly fails she try's to move on fast so we can't tell that's what she was doing, such a dumb brat. Quickly sitting up she decides to try her hand at getting inside her diaper cover pulling at the sides pathetically barely reviling any of her incredibly thick padding even her attempt on the other side is in vain. It was a white megamax with a tykables dubbler stuffer inside so it really was very padded. The pouty girl then pats and rubs at the front of the diaper releasing she can't feel her little hands she decides to try something else and bends her little leggies all the way up and grabs at her booty clad foot using that to rub against the babyish get up. Such a dumb diaper slut, little does she know this is how she's spending the next 24 hours. This too of course does nothing for her so continuing on her quest she sits up and tries wigging forwards and backwards all to no avail. Seeming to finally realize this she angrily kicks her silly little feet booping them off her padded pussy, babyspace taking over she grabs the phone with her feet, why we don't know but she does drop it showing a little of her playroom. Wiggling and jiggling around a lot now she starts to realize how trapped she is grabbing at the straps pulling them to see if they move and when they don't she tries her little fingers at the magnetic lock but only a special key can free her now