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Babes & Balloons with Natalie and Emily
My Rating:
Runtime: 7 minutes
Category: Balloons
Date Added: 05/05/14, 06:20 PM


The girls found a package of balloons and Natalie thought it would be a fun idea to film each other blowing up balloons. Why not? Giggles, laughter, balloon sounds, oh myyy. The next thing you know Natalie is on top of Emily, pinning Emily's arms down, licking her neck and kissing her passionately. At first Emily was a bit surprised but got into it quickly as the girls start kissing and rubbing their bodies all over each other. A few more giggles and then Natalie finds Emily's weak spot and starts nibbling on her ear lobes. Funny how girls laughing and blowing up balloons can lead to an all ou...
Babes & Balloons with Natalie and Emily

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