Yearly Physical Jacquelyn Velvets Part 1 Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Scott Torvea
This is the smaller 720hd version. If you would like the larger 1080HD version that is on our TorveaFilms website.
Jacquelyn is sitting in the in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come in. Doctor Torvea enters the room. After a brief introduction he asks her to remove her clothes. Leaving on her bra and panties. The doctor tells her he will be right back.
He leaves the room and Miss Velvets begins to undress. She takes off all of her clothes and leaves her bra and pantie...
Yearly Physical Jacquelyn Velvets Part 1 Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Scott Torvea
This is the smaller 720hd version. If you would like the larger 1080HD version that is on our TorveaFilms website.
Jacquelyn is sitting in the in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come in. Doctor Torvea enters the room. After a brief introduction he asks her to remove her clothes. Leaving on her bra and panties. The doctor tells her he will be right back.
He leaves the room and Miss Velvets begins to undress. She takes off all of her clothes and leaves her bra and panties on as instructed. Then she sits on the table and waits for the doctor to come back.
The exam begins
The doctor comes back and asks her questions. General questions about how she is feeling. If she has had any unusual aches or pains. Then he puts the B-Pressure cuff on her arm. He puts the stethoscope under it and checks her B-pressure. There is a close up of the dial and you can see her heart beat as it drops. The doctor writes down the results.
Next he walks around behind her and asks about the neck pain she has been having. He presses on her back and neck feeling around as she explains. Then he checks her reactions when tapped on the knees. The reaction to the hammer is very limited. But not of major concern. Later he will do other tests to be sure.
He has her walk over to the scale so he can measure her height and weight. First he checks her height and writes it down. Then he moves the weights on the scale to check her weight. Once she is weighed he writes it down and she goes back to the exam table.
He asks her to remove her bra. She does as he puts some things away and gets ready for the next tests. He puts the stethoscope on her back and has her breathe in and out. Deep breaths as he listens with he stethoscope. Next he listens to her heart. Putting the stethoscope all around her chest and under her breast.
With a concerned look on his face he goes to her back once more. He applies the stethoscope to several places on her back. Then has her lay back and he takes out a small piece of cotton. The doctor explains that this is a test to check her sensitivity to light touches.
He lightly touches her and when she feels it she replies yes. The doctor goes around and touches her and she mostly feels it. There are some that she did not feel at all and some took several swipes before she felt it. He writes it all down and goes on to the next part of the exam.