A761 Lady Noir in Worship Shoes
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Studio: Trampl It
Category: Foot Worship
Runtime: 7 minutes
Date Added: 6/10/2020


A761 in questo video Lady Noir ordina al povero salvatore a leccare le suole e pulire a dovere e far brillare le suole dei suoi sandali .. lo chiama e gli fa vedere che non sono piliti lui cerca scuse per non leccare le scarpe ma lei strofina le scarpe a terra e gli ordina di pulirle e di farle brillare

A761 in this video Lady Noir order savior to the poor to lick the soles and clean properly and to shine the soles of his sandals .. calls him and makes him see that they are not piliti he looks for excuses not to lick the shoes but she rubs ground shoes and orders him to clean them ...

A761 Lady Noir in Worship Shoes

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