MISTRESS LILITH is sitting comfortably on a chair with her high heels shoes resting on her human carpet. She's finishing her phone conversation with her Mistress friend, one shoes on the slave's head. Now She's in good mood to torment her slave. Using her heels she crushed his cock and nipple him into licking her gorgeous shoes. Then Mistress Lilith takes her shoes and stockings off and orders the carpet to lick her feet clean. She steps on his chest and shove her feet in his mouth. But she doesn t forget about her cock toy and enjoys crushing and kicking it. CONTAINS: Human carpet, CBT/crushi...
MISTRESS LILITH is sitting comfortably on a chair with her high heels shoes resting on her human carpet. She's finishing her phone conversation with her Mistress friend, one shoes on the slave's head. Now She's in good mood to torment her slave. Using her heels she crushed his cock and nipple him into licking her gorgeous shoes. Then Mistress Lilith takes her shoes and stockings off and orders the carpet to lick her feet clean. She steps on his chest and shove her feet in his mouth. But she doesn t forget about her cock toy and enjoys crushing and kicking it. CONTAINS: Human carpet, CBT/crushi...