The Nightmare...THE PAIN IS ACUTE,the punishment even more...the heels punctured MY SKIN AND I THINK THAT I AM GOING TO trampled underfoot...................................................... LA PESADILLA CONTINUA...EL DOLOR ES AGUDO,EL CASTIGO AUN MAS...LOS TACONES PERFORAN MI PIEL Y PIENSO QUE VOY A MORIR PISOTEADO.
The Nightmare...THE PAIN IS ACUTE,the punishment even more...the heels punctured MY SKIN AND I THINK THAT I AM GOING TO trampled underfoot...................................................... LA PESADILLA CONTINUA...EL DOLOR ES AGUDO,EL CASTIGO AUN MAS...LOS TACONES PERFORAN MI PIEL Y PIENSO QUE VOY A MORIR PISOTEADO.