The feast of the continuous trampling...a new angle where you can see as my ribs are sinking under the weight of two terrible goddesses.Note(CRUEL CLIP)............................................................. CONTINUA LA FIESTA DEL PISOTEO...UN NUEVO ANGULO DONDE PODREIS VER COMO MIS COSTILLAS SE HUNDEN BAJO EL PESO DE DOS TERRIBLES DIOSAS.NOTA(CRUEL CLIP)
The feast of the continuous trampling...a new angle where you can see as my ribs are sinking under the weight of two terrible goddesses.Note(CRUEL CLIP)............................................................. CONTINUA LA FIESTA DEL PISOTEO...UN NUEVO ANGULO DONDE PODREIS VER COMO MIS COSTILLAS SE HUNDEN BAJO EL PESO DE DOS TERRIBLES DIOSAS.NOTA(CRUEL CLIP)