An angle of camara near and cruel where'll see that these high-heels metalics penetrating my punished skin...this is authentic trampling...(NOTE:CRUEL CLIP)........................................................................UN ANGULO DE CAMARA CERCANO Y CRUEL DONDE NOTAREIS ESOS TACONES ALTOS METALICOS PENETRANDO EN MI CASTIGADA PIEL...ESTO ES AUTENTICO PISOTEO...(NOTA:CRUEL CLIP)
An angle of camara near and cruel where'll see that these high-heels metalics penetrating my punished skin...this is authentic trampling...(NOTE:CRUEL CLIP)........................................................................UN ANGULO DE CAMARA CERCANO Y CRUEL DONDE NOTAREIS ESOS TACONES ALTOS METALICOS PENETRANDO EN MI CASTIGADA PIEL...ESTO ES AUTENTICO PISOTEO...(NOTA:CRUEL CLIP)