CUSTOM, use earcuffs for the best experience.
You play a femme fatale villainess who uses her nylon clad body to lure me, her bound/para.lyzed v1ct1m, into tr*nce and convinces me that I'm going to reach a hands-free orgasm for her pantyhose, and it will be so overwhelmingly pleasurable and long that it will mysteriously induce my d*4th. A sort of pleasure overload; a d3*thgasm if you will. The example clip was themed as if she was speaking to the character James Bond, and I wish to change that. Please use my name, Greg, instead. I also wish the entire clip to focus on nylon fetishism rathe...
CUSTOM, use earcuffs for the best experience.
You play a femme fatale villainess who uses her nylon clad body to lure me, her bound/para.lyzed v1ct1m, into tr*nce and convinces me that I'm going to reach a hands-free orgasm for her pantyhose, and it will be so overwhelmingly pleasurable and long that it will mysteriously induce my d*4th. A sort of pleasure overload; a d3*thgasm if you will. The example clip was themed as if she was speaking to the character James Bond, and I wish to change that. Please use my name, Greg, instead. I also wish the entire clip to focus on nylon fetishism rather than switching to lip or breast fetishism for the 2nd and 3rd levels of tr*nce. Instead, please mark the change from tr*nce level 1 to 2, and from 2 to 3 by allowing a dangling high heel to fall from a foot, as if further revealing your nylon clad feet increases your h* power over me. Please do NOT remove the hosiery; wear it the entire clip, and wickedly tease that your nylon legs, feet, etc. will be the last things I see. Please ensure that the clip runs around 1 minute at least AFTER you order me to cum and for your nylons; I want to feel like you've tr*pped me at the peak of orgasm and it just won't stop, and it is HUGELY arousing to me to hear a sensual yet evil villainess sort of narrating the process or taunting how the pleasure is k1ll1ng me and I how I can't make it stop. Tease me wickedly about how I'm perishing for your pantyhose a while before I slip into blissful afterglow... or is it "afterlife...?"
Last notes: please wear deep suntan, light brown or black pantyhose that is not opaque and has a bit of shine, shimmer or gloss (like Falke or CDR tend to make).
Finally, I am indifferent about the inclusion of .notic br34thplay/suf.f*cation. I do not wish to know whether you will include it, I will only ask that if you wish to, please leave out any instruction to physically use a bag or anything else in real life. I wish to focus on the intimate and sinister idea of extreme yet sensual D/s and the notion of my body just responding to your orders and "sheer" will. I only wish to be told I'm dy1ng of either the unbearable pleasure itself, or *simultaneously* suf.focating for your stockinged feet/legs etc as I writhe in ecstasy. Please do not reference any other realistic, plausible medical causes of d3*th. (In other words, please don't imply I'm having a heart *tt*ck or stroke, etc.) I'm very turned on by hearing things like " for me/my nylons" "cum to d3*th" and really get off on hearing A LOT of teasing about my helplessness and predicament, wickedly and bluntly. Tell me I'm going to for you as often as you like, as if you can bra1nwash me to my cumming demise, but again, *unless* you choose to devilishly describe how your stockings' seductive suggestions can suf.*ocate me as I cum, just play it as if I'm dy1ng of pure pantyhose pleasure mysteriously, simply because you say it is possible!