This cleaner was hired on his mums good words, after taking him on I have noticed he is some what of a slacker and not only that things are run different in my Asylum.
When I Nurse Powers stop for a break and to have a cigarette, the Asylum is so clinically clean there is no were for me to flick my ash, this is were the cleaner comes in and he has no other alternative than to give me his mouth to use./.
Mistress Athena in HD
This cleaner was hired on his mums good words, after taking him on I have noticed he is some what of a slacker and not only that things are run different in my Asylum.
When I Nurse Powers stop for a break and to have a cigarette, the Asylum is so clinically clean there is no were for me to flick my ash, this is were the cleaner comes in and he has no other alternative than to give me his mouth to use./.
Mistress Athena in HD