Cose Tra Donne Things Between Women
My Rating:
Category: Barefoot
Runtime: 12 minutes
Date Added: 11/3/2015


In un sabato pomeriggio, le due amiche Samanta e Lilli si preparano per uscire.
Mentre calzolaio (lo schiavo di Samanta) fa da poggia piedi ad entrambe, loro parlano, si confidano mentre si mettono lo smalto su mani e piedi.

In Questo Video: Foot Fetish, Barefoot, Femdom

In an afternoon Saturday the two friends Samantha e lilli get ready for hanging out.
Meanwhile the Cobbler (Samantha's slave) makes the pouf for both the girls they talked and confind in while they put the nail polish on their hands and feet.

In This Video: Foot Fetish, Barefoot, Femdom
Cose Tra Donne Things Between Women

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