While she is talking on her cell phone, complaining to a friend about the incompetence of a saleswoman, Lilian comes back to home very angry because she has not found the shoes she was looking for. Fortunately, at home, she left her slave tied to the ground so she could let off steam on her return; "I'm very nervous because I didn't have what I wanted and do you know what happens if the mistress is nervous?" ... and so saying, she starts kicking her slave to the stomach. IN THIS SCENE: beginning to feel better, Lilian stops beating her slave but this does not mean that she has fini...
While she is talking on her cell phone, complaining to a friend about the incompetence of a saleswoman, Lilian comes back to home very angry because she has not found the shoes she was looking for. Fortunately, at home, she left her slave tied to the ground so she could let off steam on her return; "I'm very nervous because I didn't have what I wanted and do you know what happens if the mistress is nervous?" ... and so saying, she starts kicking her slave to the stomach. IN THIS SCENE: beginning to feel better, Lilian stops beating her slave but this does not mean that she has finished; she wears beautiful shoes wich must be cleaned, after having been out all afternoon for shopping and it is obvious that her slave will have to do it with her filthy tongue. Now that the shoes have been cleaned from the tongue of his faithful slave, more relaxed and peaceful, Lilian allows herself a more elegant, but always sadistic, fun: she puts duct tape over his mouth, takes off the décolleté and imposes to his loser the sweaty feet, wrapped by nylon pantyhose, to be smelled. While he sniffs her feet in stockings, soaked by her warm sweat, Lilian enjoys taking some photos to send to her friend. Continuing to laugh to him for how pathetic he is, Lilian wants that his slave sticks his tongue out and licks her feet well, still wrapped by pantyhose. "Aren't you having fun loser?"
In This Scene: Shoe Worship, Sock Smelling, Sock Worship, Female Supremacy, FemDom, Misused Slave.
Mentre parla al cellulare, lamentandosi con una sua amica per l'incompetenza di una commessa, Lilian rientra a casa veramente arrabbiata perché non ha trovato le scarpe che cercava. Per fortuna, a casa, ha lasciato il suo schiavo legato a terra così da potersi sfogare al suo rientro; “Sono molto nervosa perché non ho avuto quello che volevo e lo sai cosa succede se la padrona è nervosa?” ...e così dicendo, inizia a calciare nello stomaco il suo schiavo. IN QUESTA PARTE: cominciando a sentirsi meglio, Lilian smette di picchiare il suo schiavo ma questo non vuol dire che abbia finito; indossa delle bellissime scarpe che vanno pulite, dopo esser stata fuori tutto il pomeriggio a fare shopping, ed è ovvio che dovrà farlo il suo schiavo con la sua lurida lingua. Ora che le scarpe sono state pulite dalla lingua del suo fedele schiavo, più rilassata e tranquilla, Lilian si concede un più elegante, ma sempre sadico, divertimento: mette del nastro adesivo sulla bocca di lui, si sfila le décolleté e impone al suo sfigato i piedi sudati, avvolti da collant di nylon, da annusare. Mentre lui le annusa i piedi nelle calze bagnate dal suo sudore caldo, Lilian si diverte a fargli qualche foto da mandare alla sua amica. Continuando a ridere di lui per quanto è patetico, Lilian vuole che il suo schiavo tiri fuori la lingua e che le lecchi per bene i piedi, ancora avvolti nei collant. “Non ti stai divertendo, sfigato?” .
In Questa Parte: Shoe Worship, Sock Smelling, Sock Worship, Female Supremacy, FemDom, Misused Slave.