Aline is the new Luna's intern in the particular real estate agency that, of course, we know well. Alexander comes to the office, who asks for Luna but finds Aline. Aline is enterprising, ambitious, and thinks she is so much beautiful and better than her boss, so she decides she will be able to close the rental agreement with Ale, showing Luna what she can do. With the persuasive methods that Luna taught her, Aline slams Ale on the ground and, taking off her ankle boots, slams her feet in his face veiled with hot and sweaty nylon socks, him to sniff her smell. Ale does not g...
Aline is the new Luna's intern in the particular real estate agency that, of course, we know well. Alexander comes to the office, who asks for Luna but finds Aline. Aline is enterprising, ambitious, and thinks she is so much beautiful and better than her boss, so she decides she will be able to close the rental agreement with Ale, showing Luna what she can do. With the persuasive methods that Luna taught her, Aline slams Ale on the ground and, taking off her ankle boots, slams her feet in his face veiled with hot and sweaty nylon socks, him to sniff her smell. Ale does not give up and so sensual, Aline takes off her socks and imposes her bare feet on Ale's face, who, awkwardly, seeks to rebel while Aline urges him to smell and feel all her wonderful perfume of feet. Perhaps Aline will not convince Alessandro to sign the contract, but has had experience and, surely, had a great time. Who knows if, with Luna's teachings, he will be able to convince some of the defendants to sign her contracts.
In This Scene: ock Smelling, Foot Smelling, FemDom, Humiliation, Foot Slave Training, Submissive Slave Training.
Aline è la nuova stagista di Luna nella particolare agenzia immobiliare che, oramai, bene conosciamo. Arriva in ufficio Alessandro, che chiede di Luna ma trova Aline. Aline è intraprendente, ambiziosa e pensa di esser molto più bella e brava del suo capo così, decide che sarà lei a chiudere il contratto d'affitto con Ale, dimostrando a Luna quel che sa fare. Con i metodi persuasivi che Luna le ha insegnato, Aline sbatte a terra Ale e, togliendosi gli stivaletti, gli sbatte i piedi in faccia velati dai calzini di nylon caldi e sudati, obbligandolo ad annusare il suo odore. Ale non cede e così, sensuale, Aline si sfila i calzini e impone i suoi piedi nudi sul viso di Ale che, goffamente, cerca di ribellarsi mentre Aline lo incita ad annusare e a sentire tutto il suo meraviglioso profumo di piedi. Forse Aline non riuscirà a convincere Alessandro a firmare il contratto ma ha fatto esperienza e, sicuramente, si è divertita molto. Chissà se, con gli insegnamenti di Luna, riuscirà a convincere qualche sfigato a firmarle i contratti.
In Questa Parte: Sock Smelling, Foot Smelling, FemDom, Humiliation, Foot Slave Training, Submissive Slave Training.