**This is an imaginary prequel of the famous video game**
Lara is firmly convinced... for the first time after her step-father passed away, she is gonna organize an archeological expedition as a coordinator. Last preparation before leaving home, but a man attacks her on her back... The man tries to block her, but Lara struggles herself and get free, then hurls him on the ground and recognizes him: he is a famous archeologist, who has always been fighting with her step-father. The man thinks she is sick and helpless, but as we lear so well in the vi...
**This is an imaginary prequel of the famous video game**
Lara is firmly convinced... for the first time after her step-father passed away, she is gonna organize an archeological expedition as a coordinator. Last preparation before leaving home, but a man attacks her on her back... The man tries to block her, but Lara struggles herself and get free, then hurls him on the ground and recognizes him: he is a famous archeologist, who has always been fighting with her step-father. The man thinks she is sick and helpless, but as we lear so well in the videgame, Lara is the opposite. She ground the man and she dominates him with her charm and vamp sensuality. She compels him to sniff her feet and to masturbate while he is doing that. He is a poor maggot and a shy feet loser now, he is his foot slave completely in her power. The archeologist's intentions are evil, but now he seems to be a ridiculous little man... craving for a cum shot from her Mistress. At the end of his masturbation and feet sniffing session, Lara decides to dry his balls manually, masturbating his dick till he cums so hard for his enemy and... Mistress.
**Questo video vuol essere un prequel immaginario del famoso videogame**
Lara Croft ha preso coraggio ed determinata... per la prima volta dalla morte di suo padre partira' per una spedizione archeologica e per di piu' sara' lei a capo di questa avventura. Ultimi preparativi in casa, si appresta ad uscire, quando viene assalita alle spalle da un uomo... Questi cerca di bloccarla, ma lei si divincola e lo getta in terra riconoscendo in lui un famoso archeologo da sempre in competizione con suo padre. L'uomo e' convinto di trovare in lei una piccola, debole ed indifesa donniciola, quando invece Lara e' esattamente l'opposto di una donna in pericolo... abbiamo imparato tutti a conoscerla nel videogioco.... Lara, atterrato l'archeologo, decide di umiliarlo e prendersi gioco di lui. Lo costringe ad annusarle e piedi e nel mentre lo fa masturbare. La scena e' a dir poco penosa e ridicola, ma l'uomo che sembrava avere intenzioni cosi poco pacifiche, ora sembra diventato il cagnolino di Lara. Dopo un po' di questo spettacolo Lara si stufa e decide di concedere all'uomo una copiosa venuta. Lo masturba manualmente fino a farlo esplodere... Quello che era il suo vecchio nemico, ora e' diventato il suo fido...