Liz is gonna interview a famous and mysterious psychologist. He became a celebrity for his research about women masochistic compulsion. None knew how he obtained this results in experimentation. Liz reaches his countryside residence, but he doesn’t find anyone in the house. She doesn’t know what’s gonna happen to her. The man her from back, blocking her and her into his house. He is dressed with a black mechanic suit, vinyl black gloves. The girl finds herself tied up in front of the big fireplace, with a rope to a big chain. She ...
Liz is gonna interview a famous and mysterious psychologist. He became a celebrity for his research about women masochistic compulsion. None knew how he obtained this results in experimentation. Liz reaches his countryside residence, but he doesn’t find anyone in the house. She doesn’t know what’s gonna happen to her. The man her from back, blocking her and her into his house. He is dressed with a black mechanic suit, vinyl black gloves. The girl finds herself tied up in front of the big fireplace, with a rope to a big chain. She is gagged with a spider gag. The man doesn’t even speak to her, but starts caning her ass. He has 2 kind of canes: one flexible, the other one hard. Liz has got the possibility to move her legs, then she tries to turn around and move her legs to avoid the blows. The man always use the flexible cane on her chest, tummy and legs, every time she tries to avoid blows on her ass. Then he makes her ass red with the hard cane. Liz is scared, crying out in pain. She even doesn’t know who’s the man. Maybe the psychologist... maybe just a maniac... maybe both.
Liz deve intervistare un famoso quanto misterioso psicologo, diventato una celebrità nel campo della psicoanalisi, per via delle sue ricerche sperimentali sulla compulsione masochistica nelle donne. Come abbia ottenuto questi dati sperimentalmente, nessuno lo ha capito. Liz arriva nella sua casa di campagna e non trova nessuno. Non sa quello che le sta per succedere. Un uomo improvvisamente l’assalta da dietro e la spinge a forza nella casa. In breve Liz si ritrova legata ad una grossa catena davanti al caminetto. L’uomo comincia a colpirla con due cane, uno flessibile ed uno rigido. Liz ha le gambe libere di muoversi e cerca di schivare i colpi sul culo. Quando si volta però, oppure alza le gambe, le arrivano colpi col cane flessibile. Sul culo l’uomo colpisce con cane rigido. Liz grida e piange, ma è tutto inutile. È spaventata, non capisce chi può essere quell’uomo, completamente vestito con una tuta da meccanico nera, guanti in vinile. Potrebbe essere un maniaco, potrebbe essere lo psicologo... oppure entrambe!