Scarlet is working out her toned and muscular body. She’s doing an abs session. The scene opens with her belly totally covered in sweat, while she's finishing her exercises. Her packs swell under strain, revealing themselves under her wet belly. Scarlet continues, to make her personal cameraman drool, who continues to linger on the details of the tense, sweat-soaked muscles. When she's done, she invites the man to pull down his pants. Another muscle is fully on fire: his cock. Scarlet masturbates him with her hand, now tensing her...
Scarlet is working out her toned and muscular body. She’s doing an abs session. The scene opens with her belly totally covered in sweat, while she's finishing her exercises. Her packs swell under strain, revealing themselves under her wet belly. Scarlet continues, to make her personal cameraman drool, who continues to linger on the details of the tense, sweat-soaked muscles. When she's done, she invites the man to pull down his pants. Another muscle is fully on fire: his cock. Scarlet masturbates him with her hand, now tensing her biceps. To drive him completely crazy, she wipes the sweat with her free hand and put it directly on the dickhead. The man cannot resist for more, he is exploding. Scarlet now invites him to make himself more comfortable and continues to masturbate him faster and faster, squeezing him more and more. A couple of minutes go by and the cock erupts a copious cum, while Scarlet shows off her biceps muscles, in a victory pose, proud to have squeezed a cock in such a short time... AMAZING!!!
Scarlet sta allenando il suo corpo tonico e muscoloso. Sta facendo una sessione di addominali. La scena si apre con lei già completamente sudata sulla pancia, mentre sta ultimando i suoi esercizi. I suoi pacchi si gonfiano sotto sforzo, lasciandosi intravedere, sulla sua pancia bagnata. Scarlet continua, per far sbavare il suo cameraman personale, che continua ad indugiare sui dettagli dei muscoli tesi ed impregnati di sudore. Quando ha finito, invita l’uomo a tirarsi giù i pantaloni. Un altro muscolo è completamente in tiro: il suo cazzo. Scarlet lo masturba con la mano, mentre ora tende i suoi bicipiti. Per farlo impazzire completamente, si asciuga il sudore con la mano liber per spalmarlo direttamente sulla cappella. L’uomo non resiste più, sta esplodendo. Scarlet ora lo invita a mettersi piu’ comodo e continua a masturbarlo sempre più veloce, stringendolo sempre di più. Passano un paio di minuti ed il cazzo erutta una copiosa venuta, mentre Scarlet mostra in posa i suoi muscoli bicipiti, in posa vittoriosa, fiera di aver spremuto un cazzo in così poco tempo... formidabile!!!