There had been trouble is the household. It seemed that Katie (Cayden) was always in some type of trouble and something had to be done. Katie's step-dad had tried all sorts of punishments but nothing worked...until he started spanking the sassy tart! Katie's behavior began to improve, but it became very apparent to everyone else in the house that stricter measures were necessary to ensure that the girl progressed.
Mr. Cayden was worn out, he'd spent so much time trying to guide Katie and his emotions had just about run dry. So when Mr. Cayden took Katie to the woods for a more thorough puni...
There had been trouble is the household. It seemed that Katie (Cayden) was always in some type of trouble and something had to be done. Katie's step-dad had tried all sorts of punishments but nothing worked...until he started spanking the sassy tart! Katie's behavior began to improve, but it became very apparent to everyone else in the house that stricter measures were necessary to ensure that the girl progressed.
Mr. Cayden was worn out, he'd spent so much time trying to guide Katie and his emotions had just about run dry. So when Mr. Cayden took Katie to the woods for a more thorough punishment he took a different stance. He was going to bare her bottom for long spanking sessions...and he was going to enjoy giving the licks from now on! The man was becoming more strict day by day, dismayed by the ongoing defiance that his step-daughter always displayed. She was going to be bared and bent over several times during their trip. Katie would accept each and every stroke with the understanding that painful correction would now be a regular part of her life.
As Katie bent over she could hear the sounds of the forest. There was an awareness about her and she knew her bottom was about to be on fire! After a short scolding her step-dad began smacking her bottom hard and the sting only intensified after her round bottom was made naked. Katie pouted and plead while all the while feeling a deep connection to her step-dad, in fact he was giving her what she quietly knew she deserved...what she needed.
Katie had heard her step-dad's belt coming off several times, but in the woods there was a clarity of sound, never had the strap sounded so ominous to her as during that afternoon. Life was changing right before her very eyes...she was now getting a solid strapping and knew full well that he was enjoying it! Katie was conflicted, her bottom felt intense pain as she was later paddled and cropped, but Katie was also feeling sorry for the first time in a long time. The girl felt useful for once, there was no fighting out there...instead Katie actually began to think that she was doing the right thing by obediently presenting her bottom for punishment.
Would she still feel the same way as the weekend unfolded, or would Katie revert back to her old disobedient ways?
This story was written by Katie Cayden.