This movie introduces Mimi (as Janet), a hard headed student that doesn't seem to care if she breaks the rules! As of recent, the formerly good student has been extremely defiant and associating with the wrong crowd. At school, she has bent over and touched her toes for traditional punishment with the paddle and the cane. Though, due to continued infractions and blatant disobedience, she has been elevated to the Advanced Corporal Punishment Program. This means that in light of the recent school board vote, she can now be given longer and more painful punishments when problematic situations occ...
This movie introduces Mimi (as Janet), a hard headed student that doesn't seem to care if she breaks the rules! As of recent, the formerly good student has been extremely defiant and associating with the wrong crowd. At school, she has bent over and touched her toes for traditional punishment with the paddle and the cane. Though, due to continued infractions and blatant disobedience, she has been elevated to the Advanced Corporal Punishment Program. This means that in light of the recent school board vote, she can now be given longer and more painful punishments when problematic situations occ...