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Little Girlfriend, Little Husband, BIG WIFE
My Rating:
Runtime: 14 minutes
Category: Giantess
Date Added: 08/03/22, 06:47 PM


When James Barbatus comes home to find the sexy Kat Van Wylder and his wife Jacquelyn Velvets making out, his head is spinning! He suspected she'd been cheating on him, but this is too much! When he tries to leave though, Jacquelyn unleashes her magical prowess on him, shrinking him to almost nothing!

She tries to explain, to tell him that she wants to bring Kat in to their marriage as an equal partner...but Kat isn't having it. The enormous red head repeatedly tries to smash or eat James, prompting Jacquelyn to do the only thing she can think of to save her fantasy relationship! <...

Little Girlfriend, Little Husband, BIG WIFE

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1080p - mp4 1102MB
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