I have had a certain boy come to session with me twice, I think it is. Yes, I do sessions with certain very lucky boys. Anyways during this next session I think we are going to take a rather large step. I am going to start filming some of it to sell to you losers too scared to actually come serve me in person. He is in for a long day of trampling and some very very smelly foot worship. And you will get to see a small part of it!! In this clip I tell/convince him that filming will happen next session and I let him know what else to look forward to.
I have had a certain boy come to session with me twice, I think it is. Yes, I do sessions with certain very lucky boys. Anyways during this next session I think we are going to take a rather large step. I am going to start filming some of it to sell to you losers too scared to actually come serve me in person. He is in for a long day of trampling and some very very smelly foot worship. And you will get to see a small part of it!! In this clip I tell/convince him that filming will happen next session and I let him know what else to look forward to.