My last Timed Blackmail clip was a huge success. I got a lot of you freaks sending me pics and giving me info. Well so many of you didn't follow through and actually tribute me for keeping the info. So I am going to tweak the concept a little bit. You will go to this site (if the link doesnt work google "sex scripts timed email") And you will set the timer to random. You will add contact information of 3 people close to you. But now comes the tricky part. You will insert a picture of you holding up a hand written note saying your name and that you are my slave. You will show your whole face an...
My last Timed Blackmail clip was a huge success. I got a lot of you freaks sending me pics and giving me info. Well so many of you didn't follow through and actually tribute me for keeping the info. So I am going to tweak the concept a little bit. You will go to this site (if the link doesnt work google "sex scripts timed email") And you will set the timer to random. You will add contact information of 3 people close to you. But now comes the tricky part. You will insert a picture of you holding up a hand written note saying your name and that you are my slave. You will show your whole face an...