Sasha Foxxx - Destroying the Deserter
My Rating:
Category: Mixed Fighting
Runtime: 29 minutes
Date Added: 1/20/2016


After leaving his lover and the rest of his squad in the heat of battle, Ninja has tried to hideaway in fear of retribution for his deserting ways. Sasha has done her best to trick him into giving up his location to her, with the lure of her sexual prowess. He takes the bait and soon Sasha is rubbing up on him in his hideaway. Ninja thinks he's about to rekindle a flame with his ex lover, but the only heat he'll be feeling is the hard smacks to his face and balls as Sasha reveals her true intentions. To make him pay for abandoning her and his squad! He'll come peacefully or pay the price!
Sasha Foxxx - Destroying the Deserter

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