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White Beachball Sit Bounce and Play.
My Rating:
Runtime: 4 minutes
Category: Inflatables
Date Added: 10/19/13, 02:32 PM


Here's to another fun summer at the beach! In this video, VeVe brings her new white-and-clear beachball out to the surf.

VeVe sits and gently sit-bounces on the beachball at the water's edge, as the waves wash in around her. A playful tone with a lot of sitting on the ball, but with no harm done to the beachball. She concludes by throwing the beachball around and merrily carrying it out into the water.

High Definition. Display 1280 x 720. Bit Rate 4 mbps.

White Beachball Sit Bounce and Play.

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720p - wmv 124MB
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