Part two starts with Wonder Vivian being laid out low by Mistress Malady and her thuggish henchman Boris. As she reels from the effects of being laid out by truly Faustaesquian methodology, the villains lower her slowly into a nearby chair and try to figure out what to do with her. As the dizzy and delirious Wonder Vivian tries to shrug off the effects of the powerful attack, the evil nurse suddenly gets an idea. Grabbing some synthetic mooring cables from the back of her medical van (the heavy-duty kind used to restrain unruly prisoners and inmates) the nurse ties Wonder Vivian to the chair a...
Part two starts with Wonder Vivian being laid out low by Mistress Malady and her thuggish henchman Boris. As she reels from the effects of being laid out by truly Faustaesquian methodology, the villains lower her slowly into a nearby chair and try to figure out what to do with her. As the dizzy and delirious Wonder Vivian tries to shrug off the effects of the powerful attack, the evil nurse suddenly gets an idea. Grabbing some synthetic mooring cables from the back of her medical van (the heavy-duty kind used to restrain unruly prisoners and inmates) the nurse ties Wonder Vivian to the chair and even loops her own golden lasso around her waistline for an added safety precaution. To further the predicament, the evil nurse puts a gas mask over Wonder Vivian's face and starts pumping in a powerful mixture to keep the amazon princess docile. Tied in tightly, the weakened and off-balance Vivian can't summon enough of a clear mind to break free from her restraints while breathing in tainted air but as the mixture starts to run low (Mistress Malady only packed enough in the van for a short dosage) Vivian's superhuman strength (while thrashing) threatens to break the chair apart as the mixture in the feeder hose starts to dip dangerously low and weakens in intensity! Mistress Malady counters this by ripping off Wonder Vivian's golden belt of strength, depriving her of her superhuman powers!
Our scene continues an hour later, with Wonder Vivian (no longer relaxed but lacking her super-strength) tied into the chair with green wires. Trying to break the cables with her normal strength ends in failure, but soon Vivian comes up with a way to distract the guard by using her feminine wiles and when Boris lets his guard down she delivers a vicious attack that knocks the dim-witted henchman right out. Freeing herself and untying the golden lasso from around her waist, Wonder Vivian interrogates the stunned henchman about the whereabouts of her missing belt. After finding out it's locked in a house safe and getting the proper combination from Boris, Wonder Vivian is restored to full power but still has to deal with Mistress Malady (who will be returning soon) and figure out how to defeat the super-powerful villainess of medical mayhem! Can she do it? can Wonder Vivian succeed in her efforts to stop the naughty nurse once and for all? Tune in, and find out!
This clip is for lovers of medical fetish (including restraint with medical tubing, being relaxed with gas, and people wearing sexy nurse uniforms), some mild groping scenes where Wonder Vivian is felt up around the breasts and legs by the naughty nurse while Vivian is helplessly under relaxation, magic lasso interrogation and restraint, superheroine weakness and feeble struggling, dizzy and disoriented behavior that comes from being defeated by Faustaesque methods, slow laborious breathing by our heroine and plenty of groaning and moaning, multiple debeltings, shoe removal, stockings fetish, fishnet fetish, and plenty of superhero action and adventure as you've come to expect.