TALES OF ANDROMEDA: From Venus With Love (Part 2 of 2)
My Rating:
Category: Superheroines
Runtime: 31 minutes
Date Added: 7/7/2016


starring VIVIAN IREENE PIERCE as Space Girl Andromeda and MAXWELL POWERS as Dr. Remorae

In our second part, Andromeda is questioned by Dr. Horatio Remorae (who still doesn't believe that Andromeda is from another planet) but he is quickly convinced of her authenticity when she produces a silver raygun from out of thin air and electro-stuns the orderly as soon as he tries to jump her and wrestle her to the ground. Astonished at her ability to produce items from out of nothing and with her imperfect understanding of human sexuality, Remorae questions the alien visitor just long enoug...

TALES OF ANDROMEDA: From Venus With Love (Part 2 of 2)

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