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Vore Confessional Ft Amethyst Mars
My Rating:
Studio: Vore Vixens
Runtime: 10 minutes
Category: Vore
Date Added: 12/14/21, 05:05 AM


You are a subscriber of Amethyst's vlog, and today; she's posted a confessional video. The reason why it appears that Amethyst has put on a lot of weight out of the blue and tripled in size is because she's ate THREE whole people! And they weren't simply strangers. They were those who were closest to her, that she felt has betrayed her or taken advantage of her trust! She had no choice but to gobble each of them up, and she goes in depth in regards to the process and her true feelings behind her actions. Not only does she confess, but she shows you a recording from inside her stomach that s...

Vore Confessional Ft Amethyst Mars

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1080p - mp4 605MB
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