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Vore Movie 30
My Rating:
Runtime: 2 minutes
Category: Vore
Date Added: 06/15/18, 05:00 AM


Clara has been hitting the sauce and is silly and bored at the dance studio. As she awaits entertainment, in walks VoreFile with his new pet shark! She asks if they're there for her entertainment. He says no, he's there because his shark is hungry, and it wants to eat her! She runs and VoreFile gives chase, carrying the shark along the way. She hides in the back ballroom and holds the door shut. VoreFile demands to be let in, but Clara says she doesn't want to get eaten by the shark. VoreFile says he mistakenly referred to it as a shark -- it's actually a friendly dolphin! Clara shrugs in a...

Vore Movie 30

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1080p - mpg 297MB
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