CLIP REQUEST: Hello lovely Walhalla, I hope you had a great weekend. I always enjoy your clips, and I have another idea that is a little similar to some previous videos. I enjoy your story clips, as well as the ones where you relax, so I was thinking of something that mixes both, like in this previous video: The outfit I had in mind was a long sleeve t-shirt (could be like the one in this clip: as well as any underwear and stockings (or long socks if they suit better). It would start with you next to your bed, doing a few stretches before sitting on top of your bed and ...
CLIP REQUEST: Hello lovely Walhalla, I hope you had a great weekend. I always enjoy your clips, and I have another idea that is a little similar to some previous videos. I enjoy your story clips, as well as the ones where you relax, so I was thinking of something that mixes both, like in this previous video: The outfit I had in mind was a long sleeve t-shirt (could be like the one in this clip: as well as any underwear and stockings (or long socks if they suit better). It would start with you next to your bed, doing a few stretches before sitting on top of your bed and reading your favourite book. After a short while of quietly reading, you look up and notice that your friend is there, and are gladly surprised to see him, and that he caught you quietly reading and winding down. Your friend tells you that he saw your self defense videos on Youtube (that was mentioned in another video) and you are happy and ask him what he thought of them. Your friend mentions he very much enjoyed them, and that you looked great in them, and even mentions it was fun seeing you perform your favourite move (the leg sweep followed by "finishing them off" when they are on the floor, haha). You also mention that you like that they are instructional videos, but you also shot the defense moves multiple times with different camera angles, so they came out looking quite cinematic as well, as well as mentioning how fun the experience was. You later mention that since then, you filmed more, but have not yet been uploaded yet, so to look out for them. You mention that a lot of new moves are showcased, including one inspired by your intruder story, but you reiterate that of course you didn't actually grab and squeeze the actor in the recreation, it was all acted. You also mention that each actor had protective gear either way, so even with all the hits to the body, and especially the crotch, no one really got hurt. You joke by saying, "No testicles were harmed in the making of these videos" haha. You mention you got praise from the instructor and director for your performances, and you feel proud for not only making something that can help others, but having fun and "kicking ass" at the same time. Afterwards, you mention that you will go back to reading your book, but invite for your friend to stay if he wishes, and you tell him he should come visit you more often. I hope you like the story idea, your fun videos always give me great joy. As always, I will gladly send you a Tribute, and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks,