Crazy Soccer step-mom, Alura Jenson, gets a little out of control at her step-son's games and attacks another step-mom. As a result, the cops have to come and haul her off to the local psych ward, where she is strapped down with all the strongest medical restraints they have. But this isn't your average run-of-the-mill psych ward; this is a private facility that deals with people how they see fit.
She definitely is out of control. She struggles for awhile trying to free herself, but has no luck getting loose. When the strange Orderly comes in to tell her why she is th...
Crazy Soccer step-mom, Alura Jenson, gets a little out of control at her step-son's games and attacks another step-mom. As a result, the cops have to come and haul her off to the local psych ward, where she is strapped down with all the strongest medical restraints they have. But this isn't your average run-of-the-mill psych ward; this is a private facility that deals with people how they see fit.
She definitely is out of control. She struggles for awhile trying to free herself, but has no luck getting loose. When the strange Orderly comes in to tell her why she is there, she throws an even bigger fit and has to have her restraints tightened even more. She complains that it's not right that she is tied up and not covered and that someone could come in at any point and take advantage of her. She also doesn't like that it's so cold in the room.
The orderly agrees and decides to turn up the heat, but he wants to make a hot box in the room so she becomes more tired and exhausted. She starts to feel the heat and while trying to struggle to get out of the restraints, she builds up a serious sweat! The Orderly comes back in to check on her and she complains about being so hot, so he grabs a cup of water for her. But when he tries to give it to her, she refuses to let him pour the water in her mouth because she thinks he did something to it. When he finally gets her to take the water, she spits part of it out and complains that it's gross and says, ”That tastes like tap water! I only drink the filtered!”
He sees that she has loosened up the arm restraints and decides that she needs to be more secure, so he goes to grab the hand mittens and strap her neck down to the bed, as well. He waits until she from the heat exhaustion before going in to put on the mittens and head restraint. He knows that if he doesn't get it finished before she wakes up, he won't be able to control her. Alura is a very strong and troubled woman and is not happy about being there to begin with. She finally wakes up and tries to move, but she can't. The Orderly comes in when she wakes up and she tries to flirt with him and sweet talk her way out of the restraints. At this point, she is trying anything to get away and out of the ward. She makes sexual advances towards the Orderly and he tells her that trying to bribe staff is strictly prohibited and will just get her into more trouble.
The Orderly leaves and Alura tries her hardest to get out of the restraints, pulling and tugging but it is just making her more tired and exhausted. She is even sweatier now. The Orderly comes in to check on her. At this point she is now talking to herself in a delusional way. She is complaining about how dry her mouth is and that she is dehydrated; the Orderly notices some dryness, but it's not her mouth he is looking at. He then goes to grab some baby oil and begins to fix the dryness on her vagina, pouring little amounts at a time, until her pussy is now all moistened up. She starts freaking out and wondering what and the hell he is doing. He says to her that her psychiatric evaluation has come back and they are going to have to send her to the State Hospital and put her in a padded cell. This really makes her livid as she tries to come after him, but is unable to move; the restraints are just too strong for her. She starts yelling and saying she wants to see the “Real Doctor”. The orderly knows just how to deal with this situation.
He walks out with a big grin on his face, knowing this is about to get a little more interesting. He goes to grab a “White Cloth” and puts it over her mouth. You can hear her mumbling as her eyes flicker and then slowly close.
In the end she is even more delusional and is asking for ”Captain America” to come save her and that all the people in the ward are really the crazy ones, NOT Her!