Goddess Amy Starr has an innate competative drive that ended up giving her a massive damage score! Amy Starr runs many miles every morning, but she must do sprints as well because her full forcce punts delivered a mighty blow! Most impressive however was her performance in the rapid fire kick portion as she cut open the slaves cock resulting in his " RED COOLADE" getting all over her shoes! Her phenomenal endurance allowed her to deliver so many rapid fire kicks without tiring, that the accumulated swelling burst him wide open scoring huge points in the damage category! Such a fast and ferocio...
Goddess Amy Starr has an innate competative drive that ended up giving her a massive damage score! Amy Starr runs many miles every morning, but she must do sprints as well because her full forcce punts delivered a mighty blow! Most impressive however was her performance in the rapid fire kick portion as she cut open the slaves cock resulting in his " RED COOLADE" getting all over her shoes! Her phenomenal endurance allowed her to deliver so many rapid fire kicks without tiring, that the accumulated swelling burst him wide open scoring huge points in the damage category! Such a fast and ferocio...