This desperation movie was not planned. I went n a road trip with a friend from New Hampshire to Maine, and every place we stopped there were signs saying No Public Restrooms. The only place we found that did have one had the bathrooms out of order. It occurred to me to start filming all this, and toward the end, I asked my friend to film me when I really had to pee and we were to stop on the side of the road. The end is deliberate, but it seemed like the best way to finish the movie since I didn't really want to pull my pants down in the woods near a fairly busy road.
This desperation movie was not planned. I went n a road trip with a friend from New Hampshire to Maine, and every place we stopped there were signs saying No Public Restrooms. The only place we found that did have one had the bathrooms out of order. It occurred to me to start filming all this, and toward the end, I asked my friend to film me when I really had to pee and we were to stop on the side of the road. The end is deliberate, but it seemed like the best way to finish the movie since I didn't really want to pull my pants down in the woods near a fairly busy road.