Brooke used to be a sex worker, but now she has been born again and practices as a nun! Her old roommate comes to ask about that rent money that Brooke never paid back.... Brooke doesn't have the money so she is overpowered, handcuffed to the bed, and stripped nude! The ex roommate takes incriminating photos of this embarrassed christian and threatens to send them to the pastor if the money is not paid! Brooke cannot stand the humiliation! BLACKMAIL!
Brooke used to be a sex worker, but now she has been born again and practices as a nun! Her old roommate comes to ask about that rent money that Brooke never paid back.... Brooke doesn't have the money so she is overpowered, handcuffed to the bed, and stripped nude! The ex roommate takes incriminating photos of this embarrassed christian and threatens to send them to the pastor if the money is not paid! Brooke cannot stand the humiliation! BLACKMAIL!