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Nika's Syrup Insanity
My Rating:
Runtime: 20 minutes
Category: Wet & Messy
Date Added: 04/17/11, 01:22 AM


From her crouched position on the floor, Nika beckons us to join her in this messy new update! As she sits on the floor a trickle of sweet yellow butterscotch begins to drizzle into her hair. Looking up she catches some of that sweet mysterious syrup in her mouth and lets it slowly pour all over her face. Pouring and pouring the syrup then drizzles onto her shoulders as she begins to rub it all over her silky one-piece jumpsuit. The syrup then changes to strawberry flavor and again trickles and drizzles all over her, the sweet sticky goodness exciting Nika to rub it over every crevice of ...
Nika's Syrup Insanity

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