Amy is indoors, wearing her platform sandals. She has a freshly painted red pedicure on her feet. She drops pieces of peeled banana on the ground and begins stepping on them and twisting them out, until they are all mushy. She does this to several bananas, once she has a nice pile of mush under her feet, she gathers them all together and mass crushes the crushed banana on the ground. She mixes it up with double foot twisting and smearing it all over the ground. (7m54s)
Amy is indoors, wearing her platform sandals. She has a freshly painted red pedicure on her feet. She drops pieces of peeled banana on the ground and begins stepping on them and twisting them out, until they are all mushy. She does this to several bananas, once she has a nice pile of mush under her feet, she gathers them all together and mass crushes the crushed banana on the ground. She mixes it up with double foot twisting and smearing it all over the ground. (7m54s)