Alizee and Ammalia ticklee in capri...
Ammalia and Alizee in capri and high heels and tight shirts. Capri length 2-3 cm below the knees, no more! then a girl sits on the heel, the loin should be bare:)First the girls come in short tight jackets, doing a couple laps around the room, then take off their jackets, and some more walk around the room in t-shirts and capris.Ammalia in green legins tickles Alizee in black capri pants in the middle of the room.Then vice versa. During tickling girl-victim want to omit the leggings down to somehow close the bare calves. But the girl who tickles, ensures that no pair fell below th...
Ammalia and Alizee in capri and high heels and tight shirts. Capri length 2-3 cm below the knees, no more! then a girl sits on the heel, the loin should be bare:)First the girls come in short tight jackets, doing a couple laps around the room, then take off their jackets, and some more walk around the room in t-shirts and capris.Ammalia in green legins tickles Alizee in black capri pants in the middle of the room.Then vice versa. During tickling girl-victim want to omit the leggings down to somehow close the bare calves. But the girl who tickles, ensures that no pair fell below th...

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