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Il ladro fregato - the stolen thief
My Rating:
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 05/09/22, 10:15 PM


This thief thought he was going in and get away with it, coming out with a nice booty of jewels, instead he finds a very, very prepared owner, too much ... so he ties him like a salami and makes him suffer the pains of hell until he confesses where he also put the previous stolen goods to have it delivered to him.

Questo ladro pensava di entrare e farla franca, uscendosene con un bel bottino di gioielli, invece trova una proprietaria molto, ma molto preparata, fin troppo... così lo lega come un salame e gli fa patire le pene dell'inferno finché non confesserà dove ha messo anche...

Il ladro fregato - the stolen thief

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