the serial foottickler ( 1 PART )
My Rating:
Category: Foot Tickling
Runtime: 22 minutes
Date Added: 8/21/2019


Nikita is coming home and is getting ready to get to bed after a long work day when her room mate is calling her and warns her that the person who tickles is in the area where they live but Nikita doesn't take this seriously and goes to rest. When Indy is coming home Nikita is in a deep rest and is snoring quite loudly and Indy decides to prank Nikita and lifts up the covers and starts tickling Nikita’s socked foot but Nikita only keeps snoring and Indy starts tickling both of the socked feet and Nikita keeps snoring with a few giggles after some time Indy removes one sock and tickles Nikit...

the serial foottickler ( 1 PART )

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