Attention: Only available in 4K (but great light!)
This was my first session with thre (crazy and noughty) ladies :) It was very exhausting but also a lot of fun!
Anna Lemon speaks very good english and was able to translate to the two other girls, so communicating was great. And what a wonderful chemistry between the girls!
This is the first clip I am posting. If you like noughty giantesses, various methods of crushing, and girls having fun, you have ti buy this one :)
Unfortunately for this group of extremely sexy giant girls, their place...
Attention: Only available in 4K (but great light!)
This was my first session with thre (crazy and noughty) ladies :) It was very exhausting but also a lot of fun!
Anna Lemon speaks very good english and was able to translate to the two other girls, so communicating was great. And what a wonderful chemistry between the girls!
This is the first clip I am posting. If you like noughty giantesses, various methods of crushing, and girls having fun, you have ti buy this one :)
Unfortunately for this group of extremely sexy giant girls, their place is infested with tiny ugly little men that they want to get rid of. Even though it sounds annoying that they have to deal with it, the three giantess Anna, Nikki and Anita make the most of it and decide to have fun with the little men by playing a naughty game of a musical chairs type of game where they reach around for a tiny man and whenever the music plays the one who caught him has to finish him in a way they all agree to. Whether it be with their butt, feet, pussy, or mouth, the little men will pay after infesting the home of the sexy giantesses.
1st man:
The clip starts out with all three girls in their cute outfits, tshirts and jean shorts standing around the apartment as you and the other little men stand directly below them. You witness their giant stature as all three of the girls' feet come very close to you, hoping that you don't end up under the soles of any of them. Shortly, they eventually notice the entire infestation and don't know what to make of it. They all crouch down to your level to get a nice up close and personal view of their victims.
"And now we pick this one" Anna says to all of the bugmen, taking you in her giant hand and lifting you up high off the ground. They start discussing what method they should use to end you as they pass you around the circle that they have made, laughing, giggling, and throwing you up in the air as they decide your fate. Anna comes up with the game of passing you around the circle and playing music and once the music stops, you should be stepped on by the person who is holding you. Sure enough, as the giants pass and throw you around amongst them, you get the liberty of stopping with Nikki! They all scream in excitement and lay you on the ground as all three girls tease you with their giant feet. After a few more moments of teasing, Nikki's giant foot comes crashing down on you.
2nd man:
You stand there as you just witnessed what just happened to your friend as Nikki lifts her foot up with the remains of him stuck to it. You fear that this could happen to you next! The girls are evil, playful yet diabolical not having a care in the world for how any of the bugmen end up. But before they go to their next victim, all three girls decide to get a little more comfortable and strip off all of their clothing, leaving them with just their respective panties on. "I pick him" Adita says with a big grin on her face pointing her giant finger in your direction. "Let me start the timer" Anna says as you quiver in fear in her clenched fist, awaiting your fate. After a few passes around and the girls inspect you disgusting self, you get the pleasure of landing with Adita! This time, the girls decide it would be best if she sat on you with her giant ass. Adita puts you in position on the ground as you witness all three giant girls stand up hovering their giant asses above you. Adita thinks it'd be best if she removes her panties to take a seat on you for your last moments. Shortly after that, Adita lowers her giant naked butt, with her butthole looming right above you as it comes crashing down on top of you. You have officially been sat on by giantess Adita.
3rd man:
"This time he will be crushed by breasts!" Anna says early on as Adita clutches you in her giant hand. Before the game starts, Nikki and Anna decide to get even with Adita and remove both of their panties and shoves their asses right in your face. They quickly start the timer and off you go around and around the sexy giantesses you go, getting some pretty awesome views of each one of their sexy naked bodies, mostly their huge breasts. When the timer stops, you again stop on Adita as she shouts at you "I crush youuu" as your heart stops with immense fear. You are soon placed in the middle of the three giantesses as they hover their sexy bodies and breasts all over you. In the end of course, Adita is super excited to end her 2nd little man and bends over and surrounds your tiny body with her humongous breasts as she squeezes you to mush and all you see is black and red.
4th man:
"Next one we will eat!" Anna claims. "Eat them?" Adita asks. "I don't want to eat them, they are disgusting." "We have to eat them! Since it's a part of the game, it will be fun!" Anna says back. You are mortified to know that you will end up in one of the sexy girls' belly after all is set and done. As you get passed around, each giantess teases you with their giant mouth, opening wide and sticking their tongue out at you to get a good taste. You are extremely helpless as you have no choice but to be on their menu for the evening. As you get passed around and get some great views of each giantesses mouth, the music stops. You will officially be eaten by giantess Nikki! But since you are so gross, Nikki does not want to eat you, but of course, it is all part of the game. All three girls give you some big licks but you end up in Nikki's clutches as they all count to 3, Nikki plans on shoving you in her giant mouth and gulping you down her throat. 1.... 2.... 3! You go down into the belly of Nikki as you hear all three girls from the outside her stomach as you see nothing but pure darkness and hear the sound of her stomach churning.
5th man:
After witnessing Nikki swallow your best friend, you pray that you end up in any of their stomachs as you are the last one standing. All three girls get super close to you, wondering what they should do with the very last one. They decide to save the best for last as Anna mentions "the pussy Game" you know exactly what that means. As they turn on the music, each giantess takes turns shoving you toward their pussies having a blast doing so. You actually start to think that maybe this game isn't all that bad. What could be a better way to go out then to be smothered by three extremely sexy girls taking turns rubbing you on their pussy? Unfortunately for you, the end is inevitable as the music stops and you realize that you are in Anna's hand. After passing you around even more, giving you more of a pussy show, on the count of 3 Anna rapidly shoves you right up her pussy and everything goes black.
But wait... you are still alive! It looks like Anna didn't shove you in hard enough. As they all laugh at your predicament, Anna gives you one last try as hard as she can and BOOM! You have been squashed inside her pussy. You then are taken out and rushed to the trashcan where the rest of your little antmen have ended up.
Language: English and Ukranian Cameras: Insta onex, Insta oneX2 4K (no 6K available)