Here comes an evil Eva clip for a Change :) It was a custom clip based on the following storyline:
> Eva is standing in front of me. Same height as me. She’s also chewing gum in the scene if she can. “Oh Sam, you think I invited you over to get back to together with you? After you cheated on me with multiple girls? No, I am never taking you back.” She takes out her shrink ray. > “I actually invited you over here to get my revenge on you once and for all. You’ve always been insecure about us being the same height, and you hated it when I jokingly said you were shorter than ...
Here comes an evil Eva clip for a Change :) It was a custom clip based on the following storyline:
> Eva is standing in front of me. Same height as me. She’s also chewing gum in the scene if she can. “Oh Sam, you think I invited you over to get back to together with you? After you cheated on me with multiple girls? No, I am never taking you back.” She takes out her shrink ray. > “I actually invited you over here to get my revenge on you once and for all. You’ve always been insecure about us being the same height, and you hated it when I jokingly said you were shorter than me. Now, let’s see how you feel when I make you permanently shorter than me...” Eva uses the shrink ray on me and I am now at her chest, a whole head shorter than her! > “Awww, you’re so cute now. See? I’m taller than you. You’ll always be my ex boyfriend for sure!” she humiliates me for being a lot shorter than her. “Oh, you want me to change you back? Sure, let me try.” She uses the shrink ray on me again, but instead, I’m now at her waste! > “Awwww, look at you. Now I’m twice as tall as you hahahahaha. I forgot to mention - this shrink ray doesn’t reverse your size, it will only shrink you. So there’s no changing you back even if I wanted to. It’s permanent. No girl will ever want you again!” She points and laughs at me. “Also, your clothes aren’t shrinking with you, so they’re extra baggy on you, which means.... If I use it on you again, you won’t be able to keep your clothes on! What? Weren’t you expecting to get naked when you were coming over thinking we would have makeup sex? Let’s shrink you more until you’re completely naked.” She uses shrink ray on me more by spamming the button on it. > I wake up under a larger pile of my oversized clothes. “Sam, Sam, where are you?” She picks up my clothes and tosses them to the side. Now she is standing over me with her long, bare legs, looking down at me. “Awww, look how tiny and naked you are! This is what you get for cheating on me and being a toxic ex.” She teases me and teases crushing me. “You like these legs? Yeah, they don’t belong to you anymore” > > She kneels down to where I am too look closely at me. “Oh no, you can’t run away from me.” She takes out the gum she’s been chewing and places it on me to keep me stuck flat to the floor. She can take her horror off at that point so that she’s in just her lingerie. She teases me with her body saying “you’ll never be getting this body again.” > ”You get what you deserve.” She drools her saliva and spit over me cruelly. “Aww, are you begging me to stop? So cute. Don’t you like diving in my saliva? Well, that’s what you get for being a toxic ex” > When she’s done spitting on me, she then takes the gum off with one hand and picks me up with the other hand and stands up. > She takes the gum and swallows it saying “this is going to be you next.” > She licks me all over and teases dropping me in. “Oh, are you begging me not to swallow you? Tell me how sorry you are for everything. Say it... that’s right, you’re sorry for cheating on me. What else? Lying to me. And? Being toxic to me all this time.” She smirks at me. “You want me to forgive you? I don’t think so... bye Sam.” She drops me in her mouth and then swallows me whole. > Everything goes dark, and I’m being digested while I can hear her saying things like “worst ex boyfriend I’ve ever had”, “this is what he deserves”, and “I got better revenge than I thought. This is very satisfying”
Language: English (good), Camera: Insta onex, Insta X4