Next clip with my favorite actress... This time she is evil, and enjoys it! Done with my new 6K X3 camera!
Helly sits in the chair facing away from you – tapping her teal flip flops on the hardwood floor with visible frustration as she texts her friends. You stealthily gather supplies from the nuts and crumbs she's carelessly dropped on the floor, hoping that she's distracted enough not to notice your insignificant presence. You look up at her when you sense movement – she smells her feet and is repulsed by the scent. She gets up – it's definitely time for a shower.
You feel a sense of relief as she passes you – and she nearly leaves the room before suddenly turning around. Her green plaid skirt sways with the rotation of her hips as she turns around to stare directly at you. “Oh my god... Ewwwww what is that?!” She walks closer, snapping her flip flop into the floor in front of you with a look of absolute disgust as she contemplates whether or not to crush you like an insect.
She saw the signs of your tiny invasion before – and she's not happy. “Ughhh. Should I just... step on you? Huh?!” she stomps on the floor in front of you. “You're gross!” She pauses as an idea comes into mind, “But guess what else is gross? My smelly stinky feet!” Her flip flop is casually tossed aside as she dangles her bare foot above you – a delighted smile drifts across her face as a cruel idea crosses her mind.
“ Now that you're small... you're nothing. You're just little bugs.”
She stomps her feet on both sides of you, “Come on, dance for me! Ahaha!”
“ Don't you feel too safe.” She says, menacingly – making sure you never feel like you're not in imminent danger of a stomping foot.
She picks you up and places you between her soles – picking you up again to smell you. Even a brief encounter with her foot, and you already smell disgusting!
She sits down with her soles towering above you – squeaking against the hardwood as she wafts them back and forth with joyous laughter.
“ I like to see you suffering! ... from my feet! Ahaha! ... I will destroyyy you. In a very very ugly way.” Her sweaty soles glisten in the warm sunlight as the chilling words leave her mouth.
“ So... this will be your last moment. Better enjoy it. Hahaha!” She flexes her toes threateningly in front of you as the laughs leave her mouth. She bites her lips as the thought of crushing you under her bare sweaty foot crosses her mind with every press of her toes.
“ Oh yes, I had fun with you. Unexpected fun! ... but you know what this is all about... I will (end) you! Hahahaha!”
“ Look at you, you ugly, ugly buuuuug! ... Now, I'm going to step on you!”
She gently brings her foot down on top of you, allowing you a brief look up between her toes before she swiftly lifts her foot up again, with a “Pow!” and a laugh. Immediately her big toe drops to press you into the floor once more.
“ You're so annoying. I will crush you! Hehe. ... Say Goodbyeeee!” She waves her foot and her hand above you as a final farewell.
Helly's playful foot presses against you enough to break bones... She lifts and presses again when she sees you're still moving. “Ohhhh you're still alive? Then, I'm going to step on you another time... Watch out.” She slowly brings her sole down, twisting her sweaty foot as she presses harder and harder – reducing you to a smear of flesh, shattered bones, and forgotten dreams.
Language: English (very good) Camera: Insta 360 X3