There have been a couple things that have really brought to attention just how ridiculously out of shape and unfit I am. In this fat chat, I talk in vivid, embarrassing detail about all of the recent moments where I realized just how much I'm starting to struggle with my mobility. I've gained so much weight recently, but on top of that I've also been gaining rapidly, consistently, for past couple of years. And within those couple of years I've had no breaks from the constant expanding and have stayed completely sedentary. It's starting to be alarmingly obvious how much that has taken a toll...
There have been a couple things that have really brought to attention just how ridiculously out of shape and unfit I am. In this fat chat, I talk in vivid, embarrassing detail about all of the recent moments where I realized just how much I'm starting to struggle with my mobility. I've gained so much weight recently, but on top of that I've also been gaining rapidly, consistently, for past couple of years. And within those couple of years I've had no breaks from the constant expanding and have stayed completely sedentary. It's starting to be alarmingly obvious how much that has taken a toll on my body. Because of this, I've been dipping my toes back into moving around. Namely, just going on short walks to get my body used to walks longer than just the couch to the fridge. I give you very specific details on just how these walks have been going (spoiler alert: its pitiful) and just how many minutes I can last on walks before my feet, legs, and back feel like they're going to give out. I am brutally honest about how I feel about finding out the extent of my burgeoning immobility and confess that it's actually starting to get really embarrassing to me. I've become the person to not be able to keep up with others when walking short distances, too out of breath to hold a conversation. I give many, many examples of my recent struggles. You can see how much it turns me on, but I'm also incredibly shocked and embarrassed that I let it get this bad. This clip pulls no punches about my honest feelings about this, and I even talk about my fear of going back to the gym and my struggles with confidence over it. This is definitely a clip for feeders who love to see the true extent of rapid weight gain and revel in the struggles. I don't shy away from the nitty gritty details of the way my fitness has declined due to my gaining. The whole clip I'm so turned on at what I've done to myself, but I can't deny that it's a little hard to talk about sometimes.
This is an intense fat chat with themes of embarrassment and shame at my recent fitness and mobility struggles. In the end I go over "fitness goals," but admit that there's a high likelihood I'll give up and just continue to get fatter lol. A clip about the brutally honest realities of what rapid consistent gaining has done to my body. I don't make clips like this often, so if you're curious it's definitely worth a look!