It's time to take the plunge and lock your useless dick up. You have fantasized about what it would be like giving up total control of your dick. It is a scary yet exciting thought, isn't it? What use is your dick to you now? Not much I would imagine. You may be addicted to jerking, addicted to porn or maybe you just realize how worthless it really is. You don't have a girlfriend to go fuck and satisfy. Lock it up, you won't be needing it anyway
It's time to take the plunge and lock your useless dick up. You have fantasized about what it would be like giving up total control of your dick. It is a scary yet exciting thought, isn't it? What use is your dick to you now? Not much I would imagine. You may be addicted to jerking, addicted to porn or maybe you just realize how worthless it really is. You don't have a girlfriend to go fuck and satisfy. Lock it up, you won't be needing it anyway