Did you really think that your whole life would be revolved around serving me., ensuring my happiness daily and devoting every inch of yourself. Did you think that one clip would consume you wholly, that you would become besotted and entrapped and love every single second of it. Of course not, you thought it was just a 'phase' you didn't really think I was that powerfully, that I could truly corrupt you and that you could love someone so much who hates your guts.
But you want to serve, you live to serve and you enjoy nothing more that the control I have other you. Nothing ...
Did you really think that your whole life would be revolved around serving me., ensuring my happiness daily and devoting every inch of yourself. Did you think that one clip would consume you wholly, that you would become besotted and entrapped and love every single second of it. Of course not, you thought it was just a 'phase' you didn't really think I was that powerfully, that I could truly corrupt you and that you could love someone so much who hates your guts.
But you want to serve, you live to serve and you enjoy nothing more that the control I have other you. Nothing ...