You've just arrived home from work, and, as usual, you find your wife and greet her with "hey Honey, what's for dinner?" Normally you find her in the kitchen and ask as she's cooking something delectable for your supper, but today you don't see her anywhere inside, and finally find her out on the balcony...smoking a cigarette! So, after the usual "what's for dinner?" you add, "are you smoking cigarettes again!?" To which y...
You've just arrived home from work, and, as usual, you find your wife and greet her with "hey Honey, what's for dinner?" Normally you find her in the kitchen and ask as she's cooking something delectable for your supper, but today you don't see her anywhere inside, and finally find her out on the balcony...smoking a cigarette! So, after the usual "what's for dinner?" you add, "are you smoking cigarettes again!?" To which your sweet, loving wife responds in a way you never would have expected from her...
As she finishes her cigarette, she begins to rant about how fed up she is with being expected to do all household chores in addition to her day job, and have you coming home every day from yours just expecting her to be cooking your dinner. You can see how deeply upset she is... and it's not just because she just bought her first pack of cigarettes in 7 years 6 months and 13 days... so you ask what you can do to help...
At first she responds with a cold "nothing", but then, your clever little wife thinks about it for a second, and realizes that's actually the opposite of what you can do. You can do EVERYTHING. Yes, everything. Everything she does for both of you, as well as most of the things she usually does for herself. You love your wife so much, and you honestly didn't realize how unhappy she was. You'd do anything to see her happy...and to not pick back up that smoking addiction! So, you agree to her request. Your beautiful bride is even more elated than she imagined she would be as you agree to do everything from now on... but she still wants one last American Spirit before her stress-free life of being served by her husband begins... actually, as her stress-free life of being served by Her husband begins...
Yes, you agreed to do everything, and you're the one who drove her to the point of buying butts, so you're going to be a good little husband, and get down onto the balcony floor for your Wife, and serve as Her ashtray and spittoon for Her last cigarette.
**this is actually the first pack I've bought since I quit smoking 7.5 years ago, and was needed only for a stressful couple of days, so enjoy what will likely be My ONLY actual cigarette, from a pack, with a filter, etc, ever**