Kasie and Jennifer Thomas, bully Steve around, applying various holds...
Reverse headscissors, Figure 4's, front headscissors, headlocks, armbars, combination holds, body scissors, boston crabs, lift/carries. Cheering each other on, while taunting him. Whose holds make him tap quicker? Which girl has more strength? You decide. The girls even gang up on him for a double girl hold.
Kasie and Jennifer Thomas, bully Steve around, applying various holds...
Reverse headscissors, Figure 4's, front headscissors, headlocks, armbars, combination holds, body scissors, boston crabs, lift/carries. Cheering each other on, while taunting him. Whose holds make him tap quicker? Which girl has more strength? You decide. The girls even gang up on him for a double girl hold.