The match everyone wanted to see! Two perfectly-matched wrestlers with great reputations and fantastic wrestling skills - Xana from Belgium and Ariel from USA. Both had been in training for this bout and were taking it very seriously. The action is fast and furious with both wrestlers match-fresh for the fight. The strength and endurance in both women's legs is tested to the utmost as they lock each other in guard position and work for triangle chokes.and armbars. Sweat flies and gasps of effort sound as the audience watched in rapt concentration. The likely winner was the subject of much deba...
The match everyone wanted to see! Two perfectly-matched wrestlers with great reputations and fantastic wrestling skills - Xana from Belgium and Ariel from USA. Both had been in training for this bout and were taking it very seriously. The action is fast and furious with both wrestlers match-fresh for the fight. The strength and endurance in both women's legs is tested to the utmost as they lock each other in guard position and work for triangle chokes.and armbars. Sweat flies and gasps of effort sound as the audience watched in rapt concentration. The likely winner was the subject of much deba...