Only MWC brings you matches like this! Veve, from New York, a lightweight but highly trained grappler with a honed physique and fiercely competitive instincts. Viktoria M from Hungary, strong, powerful, universally known as one of the best wrestlers around. She's far bigger than Veve, but is that enough to match Veve's academy-trained skills? One thing's for sure, Viktoria gives it everything she's got, at one point actually screaming with effort as she pours the pressure into a brutal headlock. There was plenty of pride at stake in this match, and the intensity was often off the scale. This i...
Only MWC brings you matches like this! Veve, from New York, a lightweight but highly trained grappler with a honed physique and fiercely competitive instincts. Viktoria M from Hungary, strong, powerful, universally known as one of the best wrestlers around. She's far bigger than Veve, but is that enough to match Veve's academy-trained skills? One thing's for sure, Viktoria gives it everything she's got, at one point actually screaming with effort as she pours the pressure into a brutal headlock. There was plenty of pride at stake in this match, and the intensity was often off the scale. This i...