Smiley is sitting poolside in black levis jeans, Vans and a long sleeve crop top. It's a perfect day to get her outfit wet. She shows off her outfit while it's dry before walking over to the water. She plunges both sneakers in quickly without a second thought. Then she steps back out of the water and squeaks around a little bit and then gets back into pool ankle deep..then knee deep..then thigh deep. She steps back out to show the contrast of the wet part of her pants compared to the dry part. There is visible wet and dry line across her butt. Smiley walks back into the water waist deep and...
Smiley is sitting poolside in black levis jeans, Vans and a long sleeve crop top. It's a perfect day to get her outfit wet. She shows off her outfit while it's dry before walking over to the water. She plunges both sneakers in quickly without a second thought. Then she steps back out of the water and squeaks around a little bit and then gets back into pool ankle deep..then knee deep..then thigh deep. She steps back out to show the contrast of the wet part of her pants compared to the dry part. There is visible wet and dry line across her butt. Smiley walks back into the water waist deep and walks over the side of the pool. She pulls herself up over the side of the pool and water rushes down her wet jean booty. She does it again and kicks up her sneakers this time. She then pulls herself all the way out of the pool and sits on the edge and tread her legs and feet in the water. Smiley hops back in the water and dips down into the water up to her shoulders and neck. She pops back up and shows the soaking wet shirt clinging to her breasts. It also becomes slightly see-thru and you can see she is wearing a black bra under her crop top. She dips in and out of the water a few times to and lets the water pour down inbetween her boobs each time she jump ups quickly. She turns around, swims back to the edge of the pool and pulls her self up again, showing the water rush down her butt. She climbs back in and pulls up her shirt to show off her soaking wet bra. She dips in and out of the water again, but this time with her shirt up. She pulls it back down and swims over to the stairs. She gets on her hands and knees, letting her butt poke out of the water. Her black wet jeans become reflective. She steps out of the pool to show off her soaking outfit again, before walking right back into the pool. Smiley takes down her hair and dips it slowly into the water once it's all down. She pulls her long hair in and out of the water. Smiley is completely wet from hair to sneakers. She swims over to an inflatable and plops on it booty side up. She kicks and splashes and drifts around the pool on it for a little bit. Once she's off, she goes back to dipping her hair and booty in and out of the pool. She gets out of the pool and show off her dripping wet outfit for a final time. She kicks off her vans and reveals she is wearing socks that are soaked. Just to make sure they are wet all the way, she briefly steps back int he water wearing her socks only, then steps back out. She sits down on the edge of the pool and splashes her legs then blows a kiss goodbye.