Grade A Wedgies
My Rating:
Category: Wedgies
Runtime: 8 minutes
Date Added: 1/20/2018


**Starring Leilani Lei and Aiden Valentine **

Report card day. I know my step-son hates it, and I'm well aware that he's not the best student. But when Aiden came home, he was hesitant to hand me the paper. "I think there's a typo on it or something," he lied. "A few typos."

He was failing everything . And, I swear, the boy had every excuse in the book for it, too. "Can you just sign it?" he asked. SIGN IT? Not until he received proper punishment.

I yanked his whitey tighties hard and gave him a nice, big wedgie. I couldn't believe he didn't do any of hi...

Grade A Wedgies

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